This is a collection of links and resources related to the genealogy and family history for JoJo and Papa.
If you are a family member and do not already have access to the family tree on, contact almost any cousin and ask for an invite. You can also contact Chug (chugach -at- gmail). Also let Chug know if you take any DNA tests, especially on Ancestry.
Papa’s family was and still is in Kentucky. We are are descendants of William Pike and Susanah Mills, married Jan. 3, 1792. Our ancestors include a couple, Thomas Norris and Anne (Hynson) Norris and who were married in Nansemond, Virginia, in 1637. (See Thomas Edward Norris, Immigrant (1608-1675), on
Also see:
- Roberts surname on
- Early Catholicism in Kentucky – from the Archdiocese of Louisville (KY)
- “Maryland to Kentucky and Beyond – MD to KY
- The Kentucky Migration 1780 – 1820 – Geni
- History of Union County, Kentucky: (1886) ebook
William Alosius Roberts and his father John Roberts are discussed on pages 657-658 ((pages 735-736 in the ebook) - KY Kin Folk – Marion County | Nelson County
- Family Search
- Catholic Pioneers – Tim Talbott
- The Migrant Patterns, by Sandi Gorin
- KY Gen Web
- Early Catholic settlers blaze the trail to Loretto, Loretto Magazine 2009 (10-page PDF)
- Father Richard M. Clements (Fr. Dick), September 5, 1919 – July 9, 2002 – Obituary