2015 JJJJ Family Contacts

For the 2015 JJJJ we’d like to have at least one person as a “Family Contact” to help keep interested family members up-to-date with plans and needs, so let us know if you want to be added to our email update list for planning and notices. We can add as many people from each family to the email list who want to be on the list, but we’d like at least one contact.
Facebook Maureen Malone is the Facebook Coordinator for JJJJ 2015. See https://www.facebook.com/jjjj2015

Instagram Courtney Malone is our Instagram coordinator: https://instagram.com/JOJOSJULYJAMBOREE2015

Google Plus We’re also on Google Plus at https://plus.google.com/u/0/114863995677290255731/

Twitter Twitter, too! https://twitter.com/JoJoJulyJambore

Let us know which activities you’d like to coordinate and host, things like:


  • T-shirts – Sally Smith and Carrie Frain
  • Nametags – Carrie Frain
  • Family Directory – Chug Roberts


  • Icebreaker – Carrie Frain
  • Marshmallow Roast
  • Fun Run and Walk
  • Tennis
  • Hiking
  • Pool Olympics
  • Horseback riding
  • Cripple Creek Melodrama
  • Talent Show
  • Scavenger Hunt
  • Family History and Genealogy
  • And more


  • Sally (Goethals) Smith, sasmith4246 -at- sbcglobal.net


  • Kathleen (Malone) Nett, dkhnett -at- yahoo.com




Send us your name, email, and if you’d like to help organize/coordinate an event.
chug -at- thecapitol.net