Peter Getto – Wichita Eagle, May 20, 1993

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Peter Getto was JoJo’s maternal grandfather (Mema’s father). Previous posts about Peter Getto include:

Annie Tinker sent these.

“German immigrant Getto believed in Wichita’s future,” by Beccy Tanner, The Wichita Eagle, May 20, 1993, page 6E

On February 5, 1923, Wichita had experienced one of the most tragic fires since the Masonic Home Fire in 1916. The Getto Building located at 235 North Main burned with a loss of nine lives, and $80,000 building loss. Wichita firemen carried thirty citizens to safety during the height of the blaze. The next day another fire occurred, this time in the Eaton Hotel, fortunately no lives were lost and the loss was limited to $80,000.

Wichita Fire Department History, 1921-23

February 5, 1923, 3:12 a.m. – Getto Building fire – 225 N. Main Street – 9 killed. (From Wichita FD)

“Eaton Hotel Burns,” The Wichita Eagle, February 9, 1923

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