Chug and Caitlin are driving to JJJJ 2007 from Washington, DC, so postings will be sporadic until we return in August.
Pikes Peak or Bust!

July 24, 2007: best sign so far: “Honeymooners Gun Shop” in WV:

July 25, 2007: Caitlin inherited JoJo’s lead foot … we took US 50 from DC to Pueblo, with a 4 hour detour in St. Louis to see the arch (Chug was last there with JoJo and Papa in the summer of 1964, between 8th and 9th grades, the arch was about 1/3 done), a night in Dodge City to rest, and a brief stop for Rocky Ford cantaloupes, watermelon and corn, and decided to continue on to Denver to vist Robyn and her family, arriving there at 2:00 pm Wednesday.

US 50 is a lovely road, which goes through many small towns and has very little traffic most of the miles. It is called “The Loneliest Road in America” by the Road Trips USA book. Mile after mile of corn, wheat, cattle and soybeans, small towns, and forests. A great reminder of what a big place the USA is and how beautiful it is.
Thursday morning, we’re on to the Springs via Garden of the Gods and the Penny Arcade in Manitou Springs before checking in at CMR.
See you in Colorado Springs!