This image is a photograph of a photograph that belongs to Chug.

standing: Therese and Josephine (DoDo)
seated: Teressa (nee Zimmerman, JoJo’s grandmother), Peter, and Sophie (Mema, JoJo’s mother)
in front: Rosie (Ordie)
DoDo and Ordie never married
Peter Getto was born in Alsace Lorraine in 1841, Teressa Zimmerman (I’ve also seen her name spelled as Theressia) was born in Baden, Germany
- Peter Getto – Wichita’s Historic Pines
- Peter Getto (really a mishmash of some family history)
Please contact Chug with any corrections or additions. He is very interested in family history and images of ancestors from the 18th and 19th centuries. Do we have a genealogist in the family, budding or otherwise? Does anyone have or is anyone working on a family tree?
Here is an image of a family tree that was put together by a Roberts in Kentucky sometime in the 1960s. It is a good summary of Papa’s side of the family. It has most of JoJo and Papa’s grandchildren up through the late 1950s or early 1960s. The paper copy is approximately 2 x 4 feet.