Annie Tinker sent these photos. If you have old photos you’re willing to share, especially past Christmas card photos or from previous family get togethers or JJJJs, please email digital images to Chug: chugach -at- You can mail print photos to him and he’ll scan and return them: Chug Roberts, TheCapitol.Net, PO Box 25706, Alexandria, VA 22313-5706.
Family reunion, summer of 1975, celebrating JoJo and Papa’s 50th anniversary – love the bell bottom outfits on the John Travolta fans: Joe T is reaching for Bogey on the floor, and Kelly M is to his right. But who is the disco dude in white at the far end? Is that Billy M?
Thaddeus John (TJ) (1866-1937) (and William Peter McDonald, twins, born 1866 (the Civil War ended in 1865)